Saturday, February 29, 2020

Beyond Orange

This week I only managed to work on my OMG project. Yet there was plenty of orange in that quilt top and that’s what I worked on first. The quilt moves into teal and green from there and I finished that section today. I know I have lots of teal scraps and will try to make some good use of them in March. Here is a picture of the orange corner of my quilt. The fabric on the cutting mat is what I’m using for the side and corner triangles. They look brown in the picture of the quilt, but in the sunshine the orange and some of the other colors show up nicely. 

I’m nearly half finished with that quilt now, see my post Sewing and Unsewing to see the whole quilt on the design board. 

1 comment:

The Joyful Quilter said...

Awesome ORANGE corner of your quilt!! Looking forward to seeing the teal work its way in.