Saturday, April 25, 2020

Sparkle Stars Finish

Sparkle Stars is my second 2020 finish. These little quilts go so much faster than the large ones I typically take on. It feels really good to have accomplished something, even if it's small. This little quilt will live on our antique dresser. Nigel loves to hang out up there, it's by the window where he watches out for the neighborhood cats that often track across our front yard. We've had an old ragged blanket up there but it looked pretty shabby and I wanted to make a whole quilt using the Sparkle Stars pattern after making a sample block in teal, the RSC color for March.  A small quilt was all I wanted to do, so decided that the top of the dresser would be an ideal place and a good size for the piece I wanted to do. It also gave me a good place to start practicing free motion quilting. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, even though a couple of the points got cut off when I put the binding on.


I wanted to get a picture of Nigel on his new quilt, but he has disappeared, most likely under a bed. So instead I've got Suzette on her Strawberry Basket quilt.  It's a little scrappy quilt I made the summer I got to work in Flo's studio.

There is a little swallow's nest in the eves just above the window there. Suzette likes to come in the afternoon and watch the swallows fly, she also likes to sleep in the sunshine and just hang out with me while I work in the sewing room. It's not sunny today, warm but overcast, kind of dreary. But I hear voices wafting up from the neighbors, so some folks are enjoying the outdoors.

The RSC color for April is light and bright blue, so last weekend I made another little sample quilt with my blue scraps so I could practice some more free motion quilting. It's a little larger than the Sparkle Star quilt. Today I got it basted and ready to quilt. I just have to figure out what design I'm going to quilt.  That is turning out to be a challenge.

I've been doodling for a little while trying out different motifs but I'm not very good at drawing so they all turn out looking pretty funky. I would like to do an all over pattern, something that could just skate up each row. I really do sorta mean skate, Abby's birthday is in early June and her quilt is queen size. I need a pattern that is not too fussy or detailed, something that will work with the Roman square blocks. I'm open to suggestions.

Well, I think that's enough for today, I need to get back to figuring this out, more doodling ahead.

I'm linking up with Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2020 at So Scrappy at


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your Sparkle Stars quilt is so pretty! That's a star block I've never tried. I enjoy making smaller projects, too - they're always satisfying finishes!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on your Sparkle Star finish and best of luck on quilting that lovely Roman Stripe in Light/Bright BLUE!!