Good Morning Friends. Yesterday I got out the only scrappy green blocks I've managed to make for the March Rainbow Scrap Challenge and decided to put them together into a runner for the china cabinet in my kitchen for Spring. I put some purple and rust scraps between them to extend the length and then found a green, purple and rust fabric to use for the border. Not sure what I'll use for the binding just yet - haven't gotten that far, but the top is done. The colors of the border fabric don't show up well in the photo, but the fabric is a very good match for the green blocks and purple and rust sashing. So I finally have a "table topper" for Joy's monthly table topper challenge from the Joyful Quilter partially finished. I chose purple for the sashing because my Spring tablecloth is all in purple and green and I needed a runner to go with it. And I love the color combination of purple and green. 
My leader/ender project is coming along nicely, almost finished with my quarter square triangle blocks, should be able to get those done today. A while back I purchased Bloc Loc tools for trimming half and quarter square triangles and am so glad I did. Using them is making such a big difference in the accuracy of the finished blocks. Once these pieces are done I can move on to getting the larger block they belong in put together. This is a two block project and the pieces I've been working on are only for the first block. There are 13 of them to get done and then I'll move on to making 13 of the second block.

I recently cleaned out and rearranged my armoire as storage for my hand work projects. Adding a couple of shelves would be helpful, but it's not something I can manage myself. Anyway my projects don't sit out all the time now gathering dust while I'm not working on them. I think I'll do some work on my red and gray chevron blanket this morning. Though I had hoped at the beginning of the year that I could stick with my goal of staying out of the sewing room on Sunday and giving that day to hand stitching, I've completely failed. The only slow stitching I've done this month is hand sewing down the binding on the backs of two quilts that got sent to family members in Alabama this month. You can see the post about those completed quilts here. 
I recently saw a travel iron at our local craft shop and thought it would be a great addition to my sewing corner. I made the purchase and am so glad I did. I had been using my standard size iron in the corner but it often hit the thread spools that hang above my little pressing mat. The little iron fits perfectly and never hits the spools. It's helped make the sewing room more efficient. I don't have to unplug and move my iron to the pressing table when I have larger pieces to press, or clothes to iron. The little iron just stays in its corner. Well, that's all for this morning. Thanks for stopping by and reading. I hope you have a lovely week.
I'm linking up with Angela at So Scrappy for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge and Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching. Stop by and visit their blogs to see the lovely and creative things others have been doing in their sewing rooms this week.
Your scrappy green runner is lovely. Love the addition of the purple and rust fabrics. They are a perfect fit. Those little travelling irons are great. I have wanted one for a while....I must do something about that.
Your armoire is easy to fit with shelves. On the sides inside it has wooden pieces attached. Had a similar cupboard. Measured the length inside the cupboard from side to side, to fit just above these pieces of wood in the shape of a rectangle. Took the measurement to the hardware store and asked if they could cut the wood for me. The bigger ones like the home depot do. As long as I bought the wood from them, they would cut the sizes that I wanted, was not charged for it at the time.
So glad that you were able to finish a table runner from your scraps. It looks great!
Great use of green in the table runner. Love your armoire. Looks like the real thing from yesteryears. Enjoy the new sewing room arrangements. ;^)
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